Seats 60 (Sixty)
The Basic diploma course in general nursing and midwifery is geard to the health needs of the individual, family, community and the country at large.
The aims of the diploma in general Nursing and Midwifery Programmers are:
To prepare nurses with a sound educational programmed in nursing to enable them to function as efficient members of the health, team, beginning with the competencies for first level positions in all kinds of health care settings.
To help nurses develop an ability to cooperate and co-ordinate with members of the health team in the prevention of disease, Promotion of health and rehabilitation of the sick.
To help nurses in their personal and professional development, so that they are able to make maximum contribution to the society as useful and productive individuals, citizens as well as efficient nurses.
To serve as a base for further professional education and specialization in nursing.
To prepare nurses to keep pace with latest professional and technological developments and use these for providing nursing care services.
The nurse on completion of this course will be able to:
Demonstrate competency in providing health care to individual, sick or
Well using nursing process.
Assess the nursing need of clients from birth to death.
Plan and carry out appropriate action to meet nursing needs.
Provide effective nursing care for maintaining best possible level of health in all aspects.
Promote self care in people under their care.
Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice.
Evaluate effectiveness of nursing care.
Apply knowledge from the humanities, biological and behavioral sciences in functioning as a nurse.
Function effectively with members of the health team and community applying the knowledge of human relations and communication skills in her work.
Courses of Instructions and Supervised
1: Biological Sciences
2: Behavior Science
3: Fundamentals of Nursing
4: Community Health Nursing